Portfolio of Clients

A glimpse into my client portfolio, past and present

All the projects I have collaborated on, from small to large, from simple to complex. Click on each for details

Headbright Group

Headbright Group creates for the Web and Mobile.

Min.io cluster deployment

Scripts to deploy a custom-made Min.io deployment in Hetzner Cloud


SkunkWerks specialises in designing, building and providing ongoing support for distributed computer systems and multi-peer networking technologies

OCI Development Cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as Code with custom-made FreeBSD image

Automated FreeBSD Builds for OCI

Ansible script to run a builder machine that builds FreeBSD in & for OCI, launch it and test it


Survation is a Market Research & Political Polling company based in London, UK.

Panel Frontend

Angular app for panelists to complete surveys and researchers to manage surveys

Panel Backend

ExpressJS app serving a REST API to the frontend

Panel Utils

Background utilities for the panel to create samples and send emails

Survation Cloud

Kubernetes cluster for hosting the panel and every other Survation services

Maikel OÜ

Maikel OÜ is a company that provides IT services to small and medium-sized businesses everywhere on the globe.

This Website

My company website, showcasing my portfolio, services and contact information

Personal Blog

My personal blog, where I write about my experiences and thoughts